Big Name in Travel Guides

The title of this post is misleading…intentionally. This post is not about travelling or about travel guides or even about names. It’s about a game. A few weeks ago, I found a new (to me) game for my iPhone. The name of the game, “7 Little Words”, is a little inaccurate as well. The game consists of 7 definitions and 20 groupings of 2, 3, or 4 letters. The object of the game is to combine groupings to make words  that fit the definitions. The words can be anywhere from 4 to 11 letters long, which is why I said the name “7 Little Words” is not quite accurate.

Here is a screenshot of one game:

2013-08-31 17.44.20


Below are a few more screenshots of that game to give you an idea of how it’s played. You will notice it does not matter in which order the words are played.

2013-08-31 17.44.26  2013-08-31 17.44.30  2013-08-31 17.45.12  2013-08-31 17.46.21


I have played several rounds of this game without being totally stumped on a word, until tonight. The clue was “big name in travel guides.” Hence the name of this post. I played every other word in the round and still couldn’t figure it out. Below is a screenshot showing the letter groupings I had left to form into the correct word.

2013-08-31 22.30.15


I was having such a hard time figuring this one out that I even cheated (gasp!) by looking for the answer on both google and bing. I was shocked at how many blogs I found dedicated to answers of “7 Little Words” puzzles and how many times those questions had been asked on Yahoo! Answers and Cha Cha. However, I couldn’t find the answer to this one anywhere. The only names of travel guides I could find were Fodor and Frommer, both of which I had already thought of and neither of which used the letters I had to use.

My only recourse was to systematically try all the different combinations of those letter groupings until I stumbled on the right answer. When I found it, I decided to post it on here in case some other poor soul finds him/herself in the same predicament and stoops to looking for the answer online. (I’m usually not so gracious to cheaters, but as I also stooped to that level on this one, I figured I could make an exception this time.)

So, for the curious and/or desperate, here is the completed puzzle:

2013-08-31 21.51.43


Now, be honest. Had you ever heard of Baedeker travel guides before? Yeah, me neither.

3 responses to this post.

  1. NO never heard of them


  2. Posted by Kristin on July 5, 2014 at 1:34 pm

    Suzanne, thank you for your “blatherings”…Turns out I was one of the poor souls that was stumped on that answer too! You rock!


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